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March 23-26, 2024
Lausanne, Switzerland

Join world leaders in AI and machine learning

This global platform draws experts and participants from over 40 countries across industry, academia, and government. Held over four days with keynote speakers, topical tracks, workshops and an exhibition, the event provides the opportunity to hear the latest research and insights in machine learning and to exchange knowledge with experts in the field. Join us at the SwissTech Convention Center on the EPFL campus and be part of the AI and machine learning revolution.

Get Tickets
Benefit from our early bird rates until January 25.

Partner with us for AI insights, invaluable connections, and enhanced exposure.

Exhibit with us to showcase applications and innovations, and build your network. Book your stand now!


Event Schedule
Explore the conference tracks, workshops and exhibition program.

Discover more about our speakers.

Practical Information
Find out all you need to know about the event so you can join us at AMLD EPFL 2024!