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Welcome, we are Artifact!

We implement AI to solve your biggest challenges and we generate more value from your data. Our expert team combines intelligent algorithms with expertise in business- and data-driven solutions. With a customer-centred approach, we prioritize responsible implementations that merge quality, scale, speed, and flexibility. We operate in a variety of industries across Switzerland.

We focus on creating value together in the following areas:

Implement for Impact

Artifact generates value from data with responsible AI solutions, accelerating impact for your business through tailored implementations, agile mindset, and diverse expertise.

Drive for Clarity

Artifact excels in crafting strategic AI directions and sound roadmaps. We advise on the identification of impactful use cases to support your AI and data transformation journey.

Enable for Scale

Artifact is building and augmenting skilled Data Science teams. We strive to set the "right" technological and organizational foundation for your specific situation - always with a focus for growth.

If you are interested to learn more about Artifact and our great team, then

Meet us at our Booth and Join our conference track

Visit us at our booth in the start-up area on 25. and 26. March.

On 26. March we are running a Track on "AI in the Board Room" at 2pm in the room "Garden 4C" where you can also meet with our customers.

Additional details are also available on our website (https://artifact.swiss), including our open profiles (https://jobs.artifact.swiss). If you are interested to learn more about what we are doing, you may want to visit our LinkedIn presence (https://www.linkedin.com/company/artifactswiss) for more information. Feel free to get directly in touch with us (mailto:contact@artitact.swiss).