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Trust Valley / EPFL Innovation Park


The Trust Valley is a private-public partnership dedicated to cybersecurity and digital trust, which gathers private, public and academic players in the Geneva's lake region.

Trust Valley's founding members include the State of Vaud, the Republic and State of Geneva, EPFL, HEIG-VD, HES-SO Genève, IHEID, UNIGE, UNIL, ELCA, GCSP, Kudelski, SGS, SICPA and WiseKey.

Hosted by the EPFL Innovation Park, Trust Valley manages the Tech4Trust acceleration programme and Trust Village incubators, which support early-stage companies in digital trust and cybersecurity including AI-related startups. The initiative also organises, on a regular basis, events and conferences that explore the trust component in AI and raise awareness about responsible AI.

Learn more about Trust Valley: https://trustvalley.swiss/

Tech4Trust acceleration programme: https://trustvalley.swiss/tech4trust-s5/

Trust Village incubators: https://trustvillage.ch/