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We recommend staying at the two following hotels which are located close to the venue:

SwissTech Hotel (2*), located just next to the SwissTech Convention Center.
Until February 9, 2024, they are offering a special rate of CHF 130 per night (breakfast excluded). You can book by email sth@epfl.ch quoting the discount code AMLD2024 in your email. Free cancellation until 14h on the day prior to your arrival. Limited number of rooms may still be available even after the deadline!

Starling Hotel (4*), located at 5 minutes walking distance from the SwissTech Convention Center. A complimentary shuttle service can be organized to the venue in the mornings and afternoons.
Until February 20, 2024, they are offering a special rate of CHF 170 per night (breakfast + parking included) in category "Business single" or CHF 195 in category "Superior single". Free cancellation until 48h prior to arrival. The booking website is now closed but a limited number of rooms can still be booked at the preferential rate by sending an email to s.mesnil@shlausanne.ch indicating the code AMLD2024.

If you prefer staying in Lausanne city center, you can reserve a room at different hotels through Lausanne Tourism, please contact Ms Océane Duc via email: support_team@lausanne-tourisme.ch.

Note: by staying in any hotel in the larger Lausanne region and paying the tourist tax (tax de séjour), you will receive a complimentary public transport ticket, which allows you to travel for free to the venue. We highly recommend using public transportation (Metro M1, stop EPFL) to come to the event as it is by far the best way to get around in Lausanne.